3DS Max VS Cinema 4D For my second project i made the switch from 3DS Max to Cinema 4D and i noticed some pros and cons for both softwares when i compare them toeach other In Cinema 4D i often found moving around the view ports and the selection of the polygons edges nd verticies. this is because in cinema 4d there is the option of pressing alt and then clicking and dragging the mouse to pan around the viewports which i find a lot easier to use when compared to how you move around the view port in 3DS max. Also in Cinmea 4d you can use the direct selection tool, to select more than one polygon etc by just clicking and dragging, this is not the same as the rectangular selection tool but i just find that this improves workflow as you dont have to go through and click every single polygon you need. Theres also the fact that in 3DS max if you use the rectangular selection tool on a group of selected objects it deselts the selected ones and selects the non selected ones whereas in cin...