Week 6 UV Mapping Continued

Week 6:

Today we continued to practice UV ampping by using one of the 3D models we made. We used the Storm Trooper model as everyone had made this one aside from the people (me) who made the Darth Vader but they both have ver similar geometry so this didn't really effect the creation of the storm trooper model.

I used a plane which the net of the model on it to figure out the sizing of model and placed it all together, i then used UV Mapping to texture the object, I did this quite quickly as I am getting used to UV mapping so it took my no longer than 20 minutes 

(as I am writing this I have just noticed an error in the side view tab but that is easily fixed). 

 I then imported the Storm Trooper into sketchup so I can geolocated it, I struggled at first as the texts wasn't showing up however I quickly realised the issue as the files were not all in the same folder and when I moved all files into the right file location it imported correctly. 


I then geolocated the model onto Arthur's seat in Eidinburgh:

