
Showing posts from October, 2020

Initial 3D Model Designs

Initial Model Idea and Development: These are my intial sketches for my 3D strawberry fields model.I tried to make it simple so it will be geolocated easily.    

Strawberry Fields Research

 Strawberry Fields Research:

The Beatles Research

            The Beatles research

Week 5

WEEK 5- UV MAPPING   Today we learnt a range of lechniques within 3DS Max such as the Boolean tool aswell as how to texture map  to learn how to texture map we started off with a simple cube and started to apply textures to it using the following file: At first we just simply applied the texture using the material manager which didnt really seem to work so we had to use the unwrapuvw modifier to control where each section of the die was going. we used the UVW editior to control exactly where the map was going we had to do this for each polygon which could be quite time consuming if the shape had a lot of polygons.  one of the issues that i faced within the UVW editor was that the texture didn't 'snap' to a point so it was quite difficult to get 100% accuracy when moving the map around.      The finished die:   We then got taught how to use the Boolean tool, which simply aids th eformation of compound shapes and allows you to form unique effects qu...

Idea Development

 Idea Development After thinking about my concept and drawing up a rough sketch ( shown below) I realised that it may be too complex of a model for me to create for my geolocation project as it is only meant to be a simple 3d model.      Therefore, using a mindmap I tried to came up wiith atlernative ideass that still go along with the theme of The Beatles and Liverpool.    I deceided to go with the idea of Strawberry Fields as I felt like that would be the simplest model out of all myideas and it would also be the one with the most context when geolocated.

Geolocation Project (Project One) Initial Idea.

GEOLOCATION- PROJECT ONE  INITIAL CONCEPT: For my initial Concept I have decided to use the liverpool docks as my location for my 3D sculpture as I used to go there a lot during my teenage years as I grew up in a town just outside of Liverpool so this is where me and my friends would often visit, I have a lot of good memories that is why i have chosen the Liverpool docks as my location. In particular this area below: For the actual sculpture I came up with the idea of modelling and 'Octopus's Garden' to be placed in the centre of the water in the image above.This idea was inspired by the song 'Octopus's Garden' off The Beatles' album 'Abbey Road'. Due to the Beatles being one of the main tourist attractions of liverpool there is already a few sculptures within liverpool referencing The Beatles However the majority of them are very monochromatic and dont really stand out andin my opinion don't really capture The Beatles' psychedelic...

Week 4

 Week 4:  To start off with working within 3DS Max we first experiemnted with the shapes available within the program and created a series of random forms to see what we could use to create our 3d forms this is what i created: Speed Modelling  This week we experiemnted and learned how to use 3DS max through the creating a series of speed models that Jared gave to us.  we started by modelling a full english breakfast in 20 minutes:    As a first attempt in 3ds Max, I really quite enjoyed creating it, I found it a lot more efficient compared to sketup andfound that it had a lot more features to make 3D modelling simpler that sketchup.    Within 3ds max i really like the option of the different viewports and this makes spline modelling a lot easier than in sketchup as you know which axis you are working on at all times, I did try to use spline modelling in this speed model but i didnt feel comfortable with it yet so i decided to delete it and do the ...